Friday, February 21, 2014

Bucket Listing.

I was having a heart-to-heart with my doc the other day, and broke down (again).  If I had a dollar for every time I cried at a doctor's appointment...  Anyways, I confided that I'm going pretty freaking stir crazy, laying in bed 24 hours a day.  I NEED TO BE MOVING.  I am such an active person-- my heart wants to be running so bad.  I am so damn sick of my BIG.  I don't want to have a BIG.  Can't I just go to work, go to the gym, hang out with my friends, go on dates with my everyone else??

"Be patient, Ames,"  he said.  "Your body was torn apart...we have to put you back together again, and that takes time.  We know you're a fighter.  Fighters have to have patience too."

Ugh... he's right.  I have to give myself time to heal from this illness and the 9 surgeries.  In the meantime, he gave me some homework.  He encouraged me to write a bucket list.  Not to be morbid, he assured me.  He just thinks it'll give me some things to look forward to and work towards.

So here goes.

Amy's Bucket List
1.  Go on a 2-3 week (or longer) sailing trip (on a sailboat)
here....I want to be here!!

2.  Explore Paris with my husband.  J'Adore la Paris.


4. Run my 18th marathon with my new leg.

5.  Skydiving 

5. Stay in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora 

6.  Become a mom 

7.  Buy our dream house in our dream area (wherever that may be..hint hint Cali or Hawaii)

8.  Learn how to surf....and then surf ALOT

9.  Go on a mission trip with hubby to a village that needs it in the name of the Lord.

10.  Go dog-sledding 

So, that's my first 10.  Those 10 are gonna keep me busy for quite a while, so I stopped there.  I wonder what will get checked off first?  

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