Monday, March 2, 2015

February Goals- Update!

Update on my February Goals:

Last month, I blogged about my goals for February... Looking back at them, I actually did pretty good... Here's how I did for February.  My goals were:

1. Blog more!  I need to catch up on the last few weeks of pregnancy posts and then Cole's birth and first month.  I NEED to get those done before he gets any bigger and I get farther behind!  I've been great about keeping up with his baby book, but I also plan to do a birth post and then posts for each month.  I'm so sorry for the long zzzzz nap I've been taking away from the blog.  We're just enjoying our new life here as a family of 3. (well 4 if you count Mady).  Well, I did get his birth story written, and finished my pregnancy posts.  Not amazing, but got somewhat caught up.  I didn't blog a bunch of pictures of him... I put tons on Facebook, so check them out there. My FB name is Amy Nilles, so friend me if you haven't already, and you'll be able to see a zillion pictures of him.

2. Print out Cole's newborn pics and get them matted and framed  Yay!  Got this done this week.  Printed out a ton of pictures and updated his baby book, put together an album of pics I've taken, and did 3 different displays in our house of pictures... We hung shelves with black and white pics in our family room, I did a small gallery wall in our dining area, and then I did a larger gallery wall going up the stairs.  It feels great!

3. Get Cole's birth certificate and SS card and his passport ordered.... we are going international in a few months with our little guy... First family vacation will be to Mexico in June for my sister's wedding.  Got this halfway done. His birth certificate is on the way to our house, I have his SS card, and I got his passport photo taken.  Too bad the idiot at Costco didn't do the picture right and I have to go somewhere else and get it redone because Cole isn't looking at the camera.  Ugh.  Once I get his birth certificate and redo his picture, we'll ahead over to the post office and do his passport.  That's a March goal.

4. Get back into my pre-preggo skinny jeans.  Self-explanatory.  I'm getting there but still have some baby weight to shed.  It helps that I ran until the day he was born (with a few weeks of bed rest in there)...  it's been easy to get back into the gym routine... not so easy to shed those last few pounds though.  I still have around 10 lbs to go, but I did get into my pre-preggo skinny jeans and wore them last week when Jon and I took Cole on a family date night to the bowling alley.  Felt amazing!  I'm running 5-6 days a week and breastfeeding, but I haven't been the best with diet.  Breastfeeding and running makes me starving!  And sometimes it's easier to grab a handful of triscuits for lunch rather than make myself a salad or something. I honestly think I'm probably not eating frequently enough.  I'll go the whole day without eating b/c I'm busy and then have McDonalds or something for dinner.  I know what I need to do... eat small meals frequently, lots of protein and veggies and stop snacking on crap.  But I'm only 2 months post baby, so I'm feeling pretty good with where I'm at.  March goal will be to shed those last 10 and maybe another 1-2 so I'm in tip top shape for Jessica's wedding.

5. Have more playdates with friends.  I still have some close friends to meet up with so they can meet Cole.  He was born over the holidays, so that made it difficult and then the flu epidemic hit, so we've been waiting until everyone is healthy.  Excited to introduce my little guy to all of my buddies!  Did okay with this, but still need to do better.  Liz came over and we introduced her baby Beckett to Cole.  It was awesome and the pictures were priceless!  I had a girls night with my work friends and had a blast.  And I get together with my sister-in-law every week for wine night.  Wednesday, Cole and I are going to my friend Nessa's to meet her and Tenele, my besties from work.  Still need to get together with a few more of my friends so they can meet him.  Another March goal.
Here is Cole (on the right) with his best friend Beckett.  Liz and I delivered on the exact same day! We've been best friends since we were 5.  Pretty freakin' awesome. :)

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