Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is the longest disclaimer ever. You've been forewarned.

This blog as well as emails, comments, Twitter updates, forum posts, or instant messages from its author are to be used for entertainment purposes only. This is not a place to get medical advice nor counsel on how to do your job as a nurse or other health care provider. For those things, consult your personal physician, appropriate governing agency and/or the policies of your institution. Descriptions of medical occurrences/treatments are usually simplified to fit it into a less-than-500-word blog post. The sentences written here on my *fictional patients, co-workers, workplace, etc. don't reflect anyone else's opinions but my own and sometimes not even my opinion. I'm a person who writes this, but "Nurse A" is more of a character, got it? Hi, like I said, this is entertainment.

This blog should also not be considered a factual re-telling of actual events. It's a blend of reality and my goofy imagination, mostly the latter. Things in quotes probably aren't direct quotes. Things that appear to be quoted verbatim are not. All patient details (names, ages, diagnoses) are changed to make identifying them impossible, far exceeding the minimum standards for de-identification of patient information. For further information, read the HIPAA Privacy Summary

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