Monday, January 2, 2012


Well, it's that time of year again.  Resolutions.  I actually hate resolutions.  Maybe it's because I never really keep them.  Maybe it's because I have the same resolutions every year...lose weight, read my bible more, spend more time with friends.  This year, in attempt to keep said resolutions, I'm going to make my resolutions more specific.  Maybe that way I'll hold myself to them.  I'd like to say that this is going to be the "BEST YEAR EVER" but frankly, I know it's not.  It's going to be crazy and a little stressful. Figuring out J's next job, us saving money, planning this wedding.  I wish I could fast-forward this year and get straight to 2013...the year of our WEDDING!  We cannot wait.  2013 will be our year.

But, in the spirit of my resolution to be more positive, I'm going to attempt to enjoy this year, as crazy-stressful as it will be.  That said....

Resolution #1:  Be more positive.  More happy.  Try to enjoy something EVERY DAY.  Something that isn't just getting my workout in or watching my favorite Monday show or Tuesday show.  Even if it's as simple as a butterfly-in-the-tummy kiss from J.  Playtime with Madison.  Or...gasp...planning this wedding.  Everyday, I'm going to write said thing down so I can remember it & cherish that memory.

Resolution #2:  Spend more time with girlfriends.  Specifically, once-a-month girls night with my college besties Erum & Nicole.  Erum and I are both resoluting to do hot-yoga together once a week or every other week, so I'll get to see her more, but Nic has a baby, so I'll take what I can get with her.  Once a month may be pushing it for a busy mama.  Need to see my best friend Liz more too.  She's also a busy mama, but we gotta just make those dates, even if its just for Bachelor Monday with some champagne.  Along with spending more time with girlfriends is weekly or every-other-weekly bible study/girl talk with my new buddy Jaci.  I'm excited to get to know that awesome girl more and on a deeper level and hopefully between our vent-fests about love, life & husbands, we'll get some good old-fashioned bible work in there.

Resolution #3:  Lose a few lbs & tone it up.  (there is a specific # but only Erum is allowed to know that one.) Come on.  gotta throw that in there.  Gotta look good in that wedding dress and that honeymoon bikini.

Resolution #4:  Spend more time with family.  This means seeing Matt, Anne, & Jess at least once a month, J's parents at least once a month, niece/nephew/bro-in-law/sis-in-law at least once a month, a trip to Virginia this spring to see my 'rents.  Love my family, would spend everyday with them if I could, but work & life get in the way, and before you realize it, a month has gone by.

Resolution #5:  Get to church every week.  It's tough working nights...but no excuses, I gotta get there.  I honestly love my church & love going, but I gotta get over there whether it be on Sat night before I work or getting out of bed on my Sunday off.  Along with that, J & I need to get our pre-marital classes/mentoring done this year.  Add that to the resolutions list.

Resolution #6:  Walk Mady more.  Poor girl.  she'd do anything to get outside.  I gotta suck it up after a night of work and just do it before I go to bed in the morning.  I'd have a much happier hound on my hands.

Resolution #7:  Spend less money.  No use of the credit card.  Cash only for purchases and if I don't have the cash that week, I don't buy it.  May have to cut out Anthropologie for awhile, but hey, we have a wedding, honeymoon, house coming up.  The girl at the Anthropologie counter does not need to know my name and size anymore.  Enough said.

Alright, that's a pretty good list.  Any more and I'd completely be setting myself up for failure.  Although I have to say, it's much more fun to write about resolutions than keep them.  We'll see how this goes.  I'll keep you updated.

Happy, Happy New Year!  May God bless you this year and draw you closer to Him.

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