Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Love Story. Update on Jill from McDonalds!

Sweet friends.

My cup runneth over.

Remember when I told you about my friend Jill from McDonalds?  If you haven't already, you can read  about my encounter with this warrior mama  here.

And then I gave you an update on her.  Go ahead and read this.

Well thanks to YOU and your beautiful and faithful prayers, our Jill is doing amazing.  I got a call from her this morning that broke me down...in the best way.

She had gone up to live with her parents a few months ago and taken her sweet kiddos with her.  Her parents were able to help her and heal her and love on her and her kids.  She listened to me when I told her my biggest piece of advice to her was to pray everyday.

"What should I do?" She asked me the day before she left.
"Pray," I told her.  "Everyday.  No matter what.  He will listen."

And she did.  And He did.

Jill hadn't worked ever, because her husband had kept her pregnant and/or at home raising the kids. It was one of the many ways he controlled her.  A few weeks after moving in with her parents, she started thinking about a job.  She knew that she somehow needed to support herself and the kids.  Eventually, her ex-husband is going to have to pay or go to jail, we all know that.  But in the meantime, he's giving her nothing.  Little does he know, his leaving gave her everything.

She now has a job at a daycare.  A Christian daycare where they're letting her bring her own kids with her.  Boom.  She paid the first month's rent on a new apartment for her & the kids.  The first time she's ever paid rent.  The pride in her voice when she told me how good it felt to write that check.  How good it felt to be FREE.  She has self-confidence and self-worth.  She has JESUS.

She was baptized on Sunday.  I scolded her for not inviting me.  When I heard her describe the feeling she felt when the pastor dipped in down into the water, I lost it.  She is whole again.  She is saved...in so many ways.

Even though she will soon be a divorced, single mom....even though she planned on leaving this earth and leaving those babies without a mother....even though she let a man hurt her and her kids for too long....even though she is as much a sinner as you and I... Jesus loves her more than anything.

And that is the greatest love story I've ever heard.

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